Professor Keith Jones

Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Research & Innovation, University of Sussex, UK
Sussex, England.

Keith Jones is Pro Vice Chancellor for Research & Innovation at the University of Sussex, in the UK, where he has been since 2020. He has held senior university leadership positions both in the UK and Australia: in his current role he has served also as interim Provost/deputy Vice Chancellor and was a previous Executive Dean in the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Adelaide and Head of School in Biological Sciences at the University of Southampton.

In his research career, at the interface of medicine and biology, Keith has been an Editor-in-Chief of a leading journal. While in the UK he was a member of the BBSRC Genes, Development and STEM approaches to Biology Committee and in Australia served on the ARC’s College of Experts. In 2012 he was also on the national assessment panel for ERA. He holds an Honorary Professorship from the Chinese Academies of Sciences, Institute of Zoology, in recognition of his contributions to his field.

Keith is passionate about mentoring and has a long track record of mentorship for academic colleagues at all career stages. He enjoys the process of helping people to reflect on their achievements and then explore their options for moving forward. While his discipline is science, he is enthusiastic to engage with colleagues from across the academy.