The Seven Step Process
1. Register with Envisage
Either your organisation registers with Envisage to register participants (Organisational Registrations)
Individuals register as a single participant (Individual Registrations)
2. Pre-Mentoring Participant Questionnaire
Each participant will complete a brief set of questions to be a base line for their thoughts and deliberations. This will include general information about their current role and what they are seeking from the Envisage mentoring.
3. Select three from the Panel or be allocated a mentor
Once registered all participants gain access to the website to peruse the profiles on our international panel of mentors. They then select up to three potential mentors. The participant will be allocated one of those they select. Participants also have the option to be allocated a mentor by the Envisage team. Both participant and mentor will be notified of the match.
4. Making Contact
The mentor makes initial contact with the participant. They both agree on the duration, dates and time of the meetings to be held 3 to 5 weeks apart. Some mentor-coaches prefer 60 minute meetings, others 30 minute. How the approximate 180 minutes of mentor-coaching is structured is a decision between the participant and the mentor-coach.
5. The Powerful Meetings
Whether you have three meetings or six, the first meeting will focus on the crafting of a succinctly expressed goal and exploration of the 'current reality' relevant to that goal. The next stage will be focused on options to consider in moving forward toward the goal. The final stage will focus on the preparation of a plan and commitment to action.
6. Conclusion of the Process
Both participant and mentor are contacted by Ethos Consulting to review the Envisage process.