Rosie Hicks

Chief Executive Officer for the Australian National Fabrication Facility.
Melbourne Victoria, Sydney NSW
Science and Engineering,
Industry Engagement
Senior Leadership

Unlike many of her academic colleagues, Rosie began her career working in industry, which enables her to consider issues from a range of perspectives, and work successfully with people at all levels within an organisation.

Rosie completed a degree in Physics and Microelectronics before moving to Tokyo with her husband, where she secured a role with Fujitsu as an electronics editor.  Subsequently she moved to the UK where she worked as a technical writer for Oxford Instruments, a major supplier of scientific instrumentation.  Both of these roles gave Rosie the opportunity to refine her writing and communication skills, which have underpinned so much of her subsequent success.

After moving to Sydney, Rosie continued working with Oxford  Instruments for five years and had responsibility for the microscopy and microanalysis market – this provided the opportunity to better understand industry requirements and develop more ‘generalist’ skills including working with budgets and sales.

The opportunity to take up a role as General Manager for the National Microscopy Network with the University of Sydney saw Rosie transition from an industry environment to the university sector.  In 2007, the Federal Government established a significant program into research infrastructure  that saw the creation of an Australian National Fabrication Facility. 

Rosie was fortunate to become the inaugural Chief Executive Officer for the program, which brings together 19 universities and the CSIRO to enable the research of up to 3,000 researchers a year – she has now held that role for ten years.

Rosie’s positive attitude to life and her career sees her seek out opportunities, rather than dwell on problems. Throughout her career Rosie has shown herself to be flexible, has the ability to ‘think on her feet’ to resolve complex problems and cultivate a positive and inclusive working environment.

Rosie relishes the opportunity to mentor others and build confidence in their own abilities. Rosie believes that often people only need to be prompted by someone who may not be as close to a situation – or as invested in it – in order to uncover a path forward.

While Rosie has not taken a traditional academic pathway, her energy and motivation has seen her create and seize opportunities, and rise to senior positions where she has a great deal of influence - in doing so Rosie has shaped a career that she finds worthwhile, enjoyable and challenging. As a mentor, Rosie seeks to instil trust and confidence and encourage people to take  alternative  routes to success, rather than simply progress through usual academic roles and promotions.